Hi,few questions about the email setting:with osTicket I can use an email (like a Gmail one) where people send email to have support and automatically it will open a ticket?if I dont setup any POP and SMTP the system will send always emails and notifications?if a customer answer at an email sent by osTicket, the answer will be filled in the ticket of osTicket?we use Gmail: setting the smtp it gives always errors. Maybe there is a different setup with Gmail?


1. If you configure osTicket correctly, yes.2. POP is receiving so has nothing to do with sending mail.  If your system can use PHPMail it will send alerts with out SMTP being setup.3. If you configure osTicket to pick up mail, yes.4. Gmail requires that you use authentication.

4 For outbound mail, use ssl://smtp.gmail.com

With either port 465 or 587 and Authentication is required.See there: http://osticket.com/wiki/Email_settings#Gmail_Configuration

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