After installing the plugin for attachment and creating a folder named attachments in the project folder and binding the folder with the plugin i still cannot found the Attachment menu or settings for the attachment which is supposed to be in  Admin panel -> Settings -> TICKETS -> Attachments. Please help me around about where i can find the settings for the attachments. 




AFter installing and configuring the plugin, did you enable it?Admin panel -> Manage -> Plugins -> tick plugin, click enable.You would then go to Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets, and scroll down to attachments and select which back end to use.

 Plugin NameStatusDate InstalledAttachments on the filesystemEnabled06/05/2015 3 pmSelect:  All   None   Toggle  Yes i have enabled it by ticking that after then also there is no extra option for attachments except these two below.I cannot figure it out.Please help me out of this issue otherwise i cannot up attachments with a ticket thread more than 1 mb. Ticket Settings and OptionsGlobal Ticket SettingsSystem-wide default ticket settings and options.Default Ticket Number Format: e.g. 348852 Default Ticket Number Sequence:                 — Random — Except this process by installing plugin is there any other process of extending the attachment size more than 1mb. If then please let me know the process. 

Q: Except this process by installing plugin is there any other process of

extending the attachment size more than 1mb. If then please let me know

the process. A: The filesystem plugin has nothing to do with file size limitations of attachments.  That's controlled via PHP (specifically in your servers php.ini).

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