Hi, I have installed the last version of osTicket and I added french language.When I try to create or edit a ticket, the only status I see is "Ouvert" (Open) and "Fermé" (Closed). Can you help me please ?

Admin panel -> Manage -> Lists -> Ticket Statuses

Thank's for your response. Here is my configuration. I don't change anything. Maybe the problem is the translation.


No there is no problem with the translation. There are just the open and the closed state in stock osTicket, but you can add your own status(es). To do so just follow the response from ntozier above.

 There are just the open and the closed state in stock osTicket, but you can add your own status(es). To do so just follow the response from ntozier above.

Okay, I see how to add my own status. Why the others default status (Resolved, Archived, Deleted) aren't displayed ?I need these statuses and i won't create it twice.

Switch to English. Do they work?If yes then you know its the language pack

To switch in english, I have rename the directory language : "fr_FR". The number of statuses have not changed and statuses are in french.I have installed from scratch osTicket without any language than default en_US, now I have three default status : Open, Resolved and Closed

Those are the three that I have

I look data on status table : "ost_ticket_status"On column state,, I change resolved to closed for id=2, now I have Open,Closed and Resolved on my list.Thank's for all


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