Hello!I was just wondering if there are any tips for speeding up the "popup" search when editing a ticket for changing the ticket's user.  It takes anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds (it's querying 20k users, so that's not unreasonable), but it's noticeable to agents.  Can we index some table to make it faster?If not, is there a way to type in the email address of another user without the "popup" feature?  Or maybe limit the popup to only one choice- the email address exactly as entered to limit the query being done?Thank you!

I've no idea regarding database speed up (maybe @[deleted] has?), but I don't think you can change it without the popup.

The only things that I can think of is reduce your number of users.  (like remove the ones that dont have any tickets in a year?)  You could try migrating to Maria DB and see if that helps.  The only other thing I can think of is adding additional MySQL servers to the farm and see if that helps performance (and do load balancing) but that seems sort of extreme to me.@[deleted] or @[deleted] any ideas?

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