i have interes to know for what are the table ost_email_account.. i have a full configured organizations and users and this table never have a record!

Guess that table was used in the past but isn't used anymore (or will be used in a future release?) - so I'd recommend to leave it as it is and just ignore it ;)

what? not sure.. there's more in table "ost_user" there's a field "default_email_id" and the "id", and then in "ost_user_email" theres a field "user_id" .. the user_id its related to id of ost_user or default_email_id of ost_user?i changed the id of user, and the user_id of email and leave and arbirtary data in the default_email_id and seem that last field are not used? or for what its used?sometingh more secure response, not only a "guess" response..

I pointed this discussion to the other moderators / developers, so you get a more precise answer from them ;)

As I saw, you opened a issue over at github too. Please see the response there:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/2026

2 months later

I develop how to insert a new user using SQL scripts, usefully for integration for others systems that are not sync with LDAP or for little bussinessSee discution here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/venenuxsarisari/qe88Y7h-3Nc/P7R5Nr6mslsJthe complete table are explained and some more info will be only in venenux private group due there's no interes by osticket developers to made a proper wiki around the code.

"the complete table are explained and some more info will be only in

venenux private group due there's no interes by osticket developers to

made a proper wiki around the code."Really so you talked to them?  Because I happen to know for a fact that a new documentation wiki has been in development for quite some time, and there is an existing wiki.  So... this statement comes across as false to me. Why would you take an open source software with open forums and put discussion and notes that can help the community behind your own private group?  That seems beyond counter productive to me.

i triying so times for docs in osticket, and theres no interes for make it.. and its obvious developers are too busy (and me too) to make it!due the research i do are focused on my cases i put in my google groups, and if any have interes can take it and enhanced for ostiket wiki (that are empty)i provide two groups a open public with minimal reference enought to make docs and a private where more users put more extended..

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