Hi,please help. Sometimes osTicket automaticly duplicates last response, so my question is how we can avoid this.Thanks in advance.

The only time that I have seen this is when the updater hits the refresh button and re-submits the last update.  I don't see an image attached though.

7 days later
6 months later

we have this a lot, and since its not possible for us to remove response or comments. is there a way to prevent duplicate comments to be posted? ticket threads get filled with duplicates now.i know, its a problem thats because of human error... but we have a few people who found it really hard to understand how this works.... explained etc... but their, lets say, older then average and have a hard time trying to learn new things.so, is it possible to prevent duplicates?

@[deleted] If you have an issue please open your own thread.  Thank you.C: we have this a lot, and since its not possible for us to remove response or comments. R: next version has thread editing.Q: is there a way to prevent duplicate comments to be posted? A: No.Q: so, is it possible to prevent duplicates?A: Still no.Closing thread from April.

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