Hi,I might be overlooking something, but i cant find the ticket_event table, can someone point me in the right direction?Q: how do I reset the Staff panel -> Dashboard Statistics page?

A: the statistics are stored

in the ticket_event table. When you are first playing with osTicket and

opening and closing test tickets this table will get populated with

information that is used to generate the statistics. If you delete all

those test tickets and would like to reset the statistical data you can

delete all the records in this table.

Maybe I understand something wrong or miss something here, but can't you find it at the mysql database you installed osticket to?

whats the name of the database and where can i find it? I think im the one missing it :-) 

Actually I don't know the name of your database - you can specify it at the installation - but the easiest way to get your database info is by looking at the following config file: include/ost-config.php

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