Hello,I have a (hopefully) easy question.Every time I would send an email out via the ticket system, it would try to write to ticket_email_info with the following query:SELECT email_mid, headers FROM ost_ticket_email_info WHERE thread_id=787119 (random)This query would take forever and run multiple times, slowing down the sending a ton.  Ticket_email_info is huge, hundreds of thousands of entries.  I went in and truncated ticket_email_info, and it seems to have solved the problem without causing any issues in the system.  My question is what does ticket_email_info do?  Is it OK to delete it like that?  It looks like it's storing email header info, but I can't figure out why.I'm happy to attach my config info, but this is a more general question.Thanks!

It saves the email message id (unique) for the email to determine proper threading, and which ticket to update when it gets a new message (or if it should open a new ticket).On really old tickets it is probably okay to get rid of the entries... If you have the ticket# in the subject it might be okay to aggressively remove these.

Perfect!  We do have the ticket ID in the subject, and don't mind making them keep that ID to thread tickets, so that should work fine.Thanks for the quick response!

I won't recommend deleting the entries. The slow query is due to missing index causing full table scan. Simply add an index to thread_id field and the issue will be resolved. The fix amongst other thread related optimizations will be part of the next major version.

Thank you Peter- adding an Index here sped it up.Thanks!

a year later

Hello,I have a problem when I create a new ticket. I have osticket 1.7.2 and I want to update to 1.8.12. When I update to 1.8.12 version, when I create a new ticket it takes two or three seconds to create.I don't know whe it takes this time. Does anyone have any idea? I tried what you say, but the problem isn't solved. Do you know where I can look? Thanks!

Killing zombie thread with a head shot.This thread is from April 2015.If you are having an issue please start your own thread, and post your system information following the posting guidelines located in this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.Closing old thread.

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