Hi,After I upgraded from 1.9.4 to 1.9.6 I started experiencing issues with national characters in tickets that were made from fetched emails. I have no issues with emails that are composed in UTF-8, neither one (1.9.4 nor 1.9.6). But when somebody sends an email in iso-8859-2 -- I am getting something like this in 1.9.6:Za¿ó³æ gê¶l± ja¼ñ instead of: Zażółć gęślą jaźńWhen I get back to 1.9.4 all is good again.I have a simple script to fire fetching emails and turn them into tickets/updates. The script has just one line:/usr/bin/php-cgi /volume1/web/osticket/upload/api/cron.phpI had exactly the same issue with v.1.6 after which I upgraded to 1.9.4. Perhaps it is not related at all but it is worth mentioning that the upgrade from 1.9.4 to 1.9.6. was different than the previous one. After overriding the old version with the new files and opening the osTicket administration panel I wasn't prompted to go through to setup/install process, as the upgrade manual states. There was just an information that said that osTicket was already upgraded to 1.9.6.Please advise.--Marek

Same here, after upgrade from to 1.9.6, the same problem with Polish letters. I came back to

+1 ... same problem with iso-8859-2 codepage, had to go down to 1.9.5 ... maybe it is related to this commit "Move Format: to Charset:"

Ok, great. At least I know that this is not just me, but that something must have been screwed in 1.9.6.Looking forward to seeing an answer from osTicket staff. Or ... is my hope in vain..?

I've asked the devs to take a look at this thread.  I believe that there may be a github thread also.

7 days later

Is this in reference to this github error report?https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1906

I have the same problem, 1.9.7 doesn't help anything.I reported this issue at github:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1946

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