Apologies if this question has already been asked:I don't currently see a way for OSTicket to handle duplicate user requests.Sometimes we have a problem where 2 - 3 users submit the same request because they do not always communicate internally.There should be a way to child duplicate tickets under a parent ticket (many other mainstream ticketing systems support this function) - when the parent ticket is updated, all ticket participants are updated. When the parent ticket is closed, so are the child tickets.

This has been requested and talked about several times. :)here are the first two conversation I found when I looked.http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//merge-tickets#latestold versionshttp://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//ability-to-merge-tickets-into-one-issue#latest

2 months later

UP!!im looking for this MOD too.Regards.

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