osTicket version: v1.9.5.1The auto-fill functionality (the automatic filling in of E-mail, Full Name, Phone Number, etc) of the 'Lookup or create a user' dialog that appears when creating a 'New Ticket' does not appear to work for users that have a comma in the CNFor example, this user's info will not auto-fill:CN=Doe\, John - jdoe,OU=Users,OU=HRM,OU=Departments,DC=mycompany,DC=comTyping 'john' as a search term, the name and e-mail address will appear, however selecting the name does not transfer data to the fieldsAlternatively this user does work (no comma in the CN):CN=test,OU=Users,OU=HRM,OU=Departments,DC=mycompany,DC=comWatching the AJAX request for John Doe, I can see:http://mycompany.com/osticket/scp/ajax.php/users/select/auth%3Aldap%3ACN%3DDoe%5C%2C%20John%20-%20jdoe%2COU%3DUsers%2COU%3DHRM%2COU%3DDepartments%2CDC%3Dmycompany%2CDC%3Dcom (decoded)With a response of: 'User not found'The string does appear to carry the proper escaping \I was able to reproduce this in both a production AD environment and a fresh AD set up for testingI extracted the PHAR and looked at the Net_LDAP2's ldap_explode_dn() function-- and don't see anything glaringly wrong with the preg'sDo you know what else in the phar might be causing the issue?

I've passed this thread on to the devs.A quick google brought me to:http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2004/11/05/how-can-i-work-with-a-cn-that-has-a-comma-in-it.aspx


+1 for that link to the HeyScriptingGuy Blog

Thanks for the reply ntozier and the notice to the devsThe ScriptingGuy post mentions escaping the extra comma-- part of the issue here is that the comma is escaped and yet it still appears to break the osTicket's LDAP query

3 months later

To follow this issue, see github: https://github.com/osTicket/core-plugins/issues/29

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