Hello people,I have some problems installing the Greek Language pack.The steps i follow are:1) Download the Greek Language Pack2) Upload the phar file in the include/i18n folder    - In this point i thought to create a new folder "el_GR" and move there the phar file3) I set then in the "My Preferences"page the Preferred Language to greek4) And then in the Front-end will show up 2 flags in the right top cornerMy problem is that it seems that the greek language doesn't work or isn't completed, cause i don't see anything translated.What can i do, or which can i alter to translate this OSTicket version?Server Information

osTicket Version

v1.9.5.1 (1faad22)

Web Server Software


MySQL Version


PHP Version


An Update:After all these done, i get a white-page after some minutes.

Just put the downloaded phar in the include/i18n folder.It's possible that there is a problem with that language pack.The multilanguage feature is not done yet.White pages mean that you are getting a PHP error.  Please consult your PHP error log.

Οk ntozier, i am looking forward for the multilanguage feature.

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