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Hi Everybody:i'm installing osticket on my webserver and we have hosted email in other server so we are trying to remote piping.we use a job to execute "cron.php" every minute, but i'm not sure what we have to change on file?<?php/********************************************************************* cron.php File to handle LOCAL cron job calls. Peter Rotich <peter@osticket.com> Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket http://www.osticket.com Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:**********************************************************************/@[deleted](dirname(__FILE__).'/'); //Change dir.// @[deleted](dirname(__FILE__).'/');require('api.inc.php');if (!osTicket:()) die(__('cron.php only supports local cron calls - use http -> api/tasks/cron'));require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'api.cron.php');LocalCronApiController:();?>here is the content of the "cron.php" file, anybody have ideas?thanks a lot!Gustavo