We are running 1.7.12 osticket. When we receive emails from our customers in Korea (Japanese, chinese, etc.), their email message which contains mostly english but also some korean text get processed by OSticket system as random Chinese text. Has anyone seen this problem? I'm attaching the ticket with corrupted text. I can't share the original email due to confidentiality but it's mostly English text with few Korean characters. If we copy/paste the email content by creating a new ticket from OSticket, it is okay however. But, our customers email their submission so we need the email method to work. Help!


Not sure why the attachment of the gibberish text didn't show up in the original post. here is try #2.https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27063308/Capture.JPG


1.7.x is really old. When you have not customized it heavily, I recommend to upgrade your osTicket.

Regarding the issue itself I have unfortunately no idea what's happening and how to possibly solve it.

If I remember correctly 1.7 had issues with non standard characters.  Or should I say characters from other character sets.  You should really upgrade to a current version.

Thanks for the suggestions but we tested this on 1.8 and the on-cloud system that osticket has. Same issues.

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