All,Reports 7.0 is just around the corner, however, I'd like to take some time first and see if there is anything new people would like added.  So - how would you like to see the reporting module improved?Hit me back and I'll see what I can do to get it added.

5 days later

Does this have something to do with osTicket? If so, it's news to me.Jack

I had to click on the users profile, then click on discussions to see if there was anything previously posted by him about this as this post is lacking in any real information.Found this: yes it looks like an interesting add on to OST.

The Reports Mod by Scottro is the premier and pretty much staple reporting mod for osTicket for several years now (Since v1.6ST).  scottro is a long time forum member and used to be quite active in the community, although his activity level has dropped off quite a bit. :)

10 days later

Hi scottro! A report I can think of is one a little complex. It could report how long takes to resolve groups of tickets (divided by ranges - not by average).It should have filters options ofdate (xx to xz)agent (one selected or all)client (one selected or all)help topic (one selecte or all)$ranges should be configurables in the report settings tab (something like this:    Range1 From (data field for admin to fill here) to (data field for admin to fill here)   Range2 .... and so on - 5 ranges its a good number)Example:When filters are appliedFrom xx date to xz date For all agentsFor all clientsFor all TopicsThere are 100 ticketsThe report should resolve how much time passed from "created" events to "closed" eventsThen it check the range options and put every one into the correct one10 were closed in the first 15 minutes (0 - 15 minutes / defined by $range1)25 were closed between 16 and 30 minutes (16 - 30 / defined by $range2)40 were closed between 31 and 60 minutes (31 and 60 / defined by $range3)15 were closed between 61 and 120 minutes (61 and 120 / defined by  $range4)10 were closed between 121 and more minutes (121 and 9999 / defined by  $range5)I do know It's a complex report, but it's a good one. Hope you like it!

7 days later

A feature we have a request for, is to not include off-business hours in time to act and close time. We work a 8-5 M-F schedule so any tickets put in Friday evening don't get looked at until Monday. Our SLA shows as overdue by the time we get in and shows our response time as three days! Our customers are all internal so weekend tickets are rare, but tickets we get on Friday that don't get resolved have three extra days tacked on. Would be nice to allow for business hours in the report.Sounds a bit complicated, but wishful thinking I suppose.

2 months later

Sorry all, for some reason I didn't get the notifications of any of your posts.  I'm working on Reports 7.0 so I'll be updating the post with more information in the coming weeks.  I'll see what I can do to get some of these additions added in as well and make a note to get the rest if/when possible.

Hi scottro, is it possible to add 'Days to resolution (AVG)' into the report type 'Tickets per Help Topic'.Ex. : We have a 'ERP Bug' Help Topic, and i want to know how many days our dev teams need to resolve.Regards,P.S. : sorry for my english, i'm french.

I'll make a note of it and see if I can get it added in!

9 days later

Hi Scott, A really FANTASTIC report would be to know the state of of the ticket at that moment. Example,:Is the ticket waiting for rely "Pending External Response" or waiting for the consultant to respond " Pending Internal Response"

16 days later

Hi Scott!One thing I end up doing manually in excel that would be awesome to have built in would be category comparison between two time frames. For example:During 2013, our total "Printing" topic tickets were x, this year, they were y.A graph showing all categories compared between two time frames would also be really powerful for deciding where to spend resource (growing trouble topic, etc).Thanks!-Stead

11 days later

It would be great to be able to generate a report on any data within the ticket even the custom form data as well. This may already be a feature but I'm just posting here in case it is not.jsmith773

4 days later

Reports 6.6 for osTicket 1.9.7 is now available! No updates other than compatibility and some behind the scenes code changes - those will all be worked on for the next release!

Hi scottro, is it possible to add 'Days to resolution (AVG)' into the report type 'Tickets per Help Topic'.

Ex. : 

We have a 'ERP Bug' Help Topic, and i want to know how many days our dev teams need to resolve.


P.S. : sorry for my english, i'm french.

I'm looking into this one now :)

17 days later

hi scorrro i want report 7.0. how to get it

I don't think that it has been released yet.@[deleted] am I correct about that?

Hi @[deleted] I haven't used your mod yet, but once 7.0 comes out I am keen to get a copy. Looking forward to it!

20 days later

Definitely watching for the 7.0 release...  We may be interested.  :)

Can't wait...I sent you an e-mail Scottro but didn't get a response.  What's a good e-mail address?  I would like to donate and get your assistance.