This hasn't caused any noticable problems as far as i have seen.  Anyone else seeing the same thing?  Our setup is almost pure stock with no .php changes made to the system.  The only thing we did do was import some data via mysql scripts.


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual

that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use

near 'ON (B1.ticket_id = search.object_id and search.object_type = 'T') LEFT

JOIN (sel' at line 2<br /> <br />

---- Backtrace ----<br />

#0 (root)/include/mysqli.php(177):

osTicket->logDBError('DB Error #1064', '[SELECT DISTINC...')<br />

#1 (root)/include/ db_query('SELECT

DISTINCT...', Object(Closure))<br />

#2 (root)/include/

MysqlSearchBackend->find('', Array, 'Ticket', Array)<br />

#3 (root)/include/

SearchInterface->find(' ', Array, 'Ticket')<br />

#4 (root)/include/

TicketsAjaxAPI->_search(Array)<br />

#5 : TicketsAjaxAPI->search()<br


#6 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(145):

call_user_func_array(Array, Array)<br />

#7 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(38):

UrlMatcher->dispatch('search', Array)<br />

#8 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(120):

Dispatcher->resolve('search', Array)<br />

#9 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(38):

UrlMatcher->dispatch('/tickets/search', NULL)<br />

#10 (root)/scp/ajax.php(186):

Dispatcher->resolve('/tickets/search')<br />

#11 {main}

we are running Version 1.94 on Centos 7 with a mariadb.  

This does not appear to be a MariaDB issue, as when I run the query that you provided I get the same error. 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ON (B1.ticket_id = search.object_id and search.object_type = 'T') LEFT JOIN (sel' at line 3It would appear what query is generating the error.  Where is the query from?

I am not sure exactly what the error is being generated from.  This happened yesterday andI didn't get the error until the following morning via email from the osticket alert.  We have  a number of users in the system and it is hard to pinpoint exactly what users were doing.  

2 months later

Hi,I got same error. It comes from class searchInterface->find when it receives empty on $query parameter. Resolving...

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