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Would like to see the ability to pause the SLA when you are waiting on a responce or job to complete. Also, SLA needs to not count non business days like weekends or specified Holidays.Any Ideas how to pull off these basic needs.
Would like to see the ability to pause the SLA when you are waiting on a responce or job to complete. Also, SLA needs to not count non business days like weekends or specified Holidays.Any Ideas how to pull off these basic needs.
Very good idea!
These is no way to do this at this time using the ui, but this feature has been asked for multiple times. You both may want to chime in on one of the suggestion and feedback threads about it.
ntozier,I don't want to be inconvenient but there is a osticket fork: ost+, with this feature, as described here in this post:http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//customisable-sla-plans-with-schedules#latestI respect your php programming on osticket (I already used Request Tracker and OTRS in Perl) and think you guys are doing an excellent job. But why not use php code from fork for this feature?Regards,Luciano
I don't make the call as to if code gets merged. But for it to even be considered the author needs to submit it as a pull request on github. The author of "osT+" has not chosen to do so thus far.
There is a lot of discussion about pausing SLA clock. Is there an official statement, that this feature is on any roadmap?
You have the possibility to specify the holidays and business hours in osTicket
Also The roadmap has been public for quite a while.