This is a short extract of an example of how users are have started to receive email replies to their tickets:8. Confirm there is a valid System Account at Network > Logon Accounts in t=he Backup Exec User Interface (Figure 1).  Logon to the media server as thi=s account.  Make sure the Backup Exec Services are also running under this =account (except for the Remote Agent which logs on as Local System) in the =Windows Services Applet.Can anyone shed any light on to why this has started happening for New Ticket Auto-Reply & New Message Auto-Response.ThanksAndy

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OS Ticket V1.7 (hence its in the osTicket 1.7 fsection)Centos Linux 6.0PHP 5.3.3Mail Fetch = IMAPMail Send = SMTPNothing in logs.

Thank you for providing the info requested by @[deleted], but unfortunately I don't understand the actual issue yet. Can you explain the issue itself a bit more in detail?Beside that, 1.7 is really out-dated and there were A LOT of changes, bug fixes and new features in the meantime and you should definitely consider an upgrade to the current osTicket version (1.9.4) ;)

1. There were 24 releases in the 1.7 tree, and not a single one of them was "1.7".2. 1.7.x is old, you should upgrade.  There have been numerous bug fixes on mail formatting since 1.7.x was released.

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