Hi All,I am using OSticket v 1.9.2LDAP Authentication is working fine in staff where as it is not working in Client. We are setting LDAP authentication in staff creation as backend. How I suppose to do for Client ?I have configured both LDAP and HTTP pass through Plugin.Any suggestions ?Thanks,Jey

I'm pretty sure that you would need to upgrade (both osT and the LDAP plugin)

Hi Ntozier,              Thanks for the replay. Once I upgrade the OST version and LDAP plugin.  How I suppose to do for client/user? can you please explain little more.Thanks.

tick the check box to allow clients to use LDAP.Admin panel -> Manage -> Plugins -> LDAP -> Client Authentication

Thanks for the Replay.I checked the Client Authentication.Still No luck :(In staff Creation we are selecting backend from Active Directory and we are giving same user name as it is in the AD user same as do we have anything in Client ?

I have the same problem! the agents may be to log correctly, but clients do not. I tried creating them manually and did not accept the password AD

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