It would be useful if we could assign a language (locale) while ticket is created, is a basic requirement for fully internationalized sites offer support in a customer language.osTicket could use the correct email templates because you can set a language for templates right now.Also via api, locale could be another parameter to http request.

Since this discussion is in the suggestion and feedback section, but seems to be partly like a question if these features can be added in future versions, let me mention, that the internationalization feature has currently completed phase 2 of 4 and most of what you mentioned will come with the completion of phase 3 or 4. So just be patient and wait for the multi language support to be fully implemented ;)

Thanks for your comment.Ok, I'll wait.BTW There is a roadmap specific for this features? How can I know what features and phases has been developed, and what features are planned in each phase?

Q: BTW There is a roadmap specific for this features? A: Not really.  Q: How can I know what features and phases has been developed, and what features are planned in each phase?A: watch Github commits, read forum posts where we drop hints, etc.

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