Hi all,on an osTicket version 1.9.2 installation, I would like to change the default language setting in the SCP preferences.I downloaded the zip archive containing all translations from http://i18n.osticket.com/, unziped and copied the language folder I'm interested in, fr, into /include/i18n on the server.As expected, french appears in the options of the Prefered language select list, in my admin preferences, right under English - US (English).So far, so good. I select it and Save changes.Log out, just to be sure.And when I log in again, nothing changes, still an english interface :(Does anybody know what I might be doing wrong, or give any hints ?Is something else to be done for language changes to take effect ? I looked around but didn't find much about this on the forum.Dashboard information is :osTicket Version

v1.9.2 (4827655)

Server Software


PHP Version


MySQL Version


PHP Extensions


Used for image manipulation and PDF printing


Used for email fetching




Used for HTML email processing


Improves performance creating and processing JSON


Improves performance for non US-English configurations


Highly recommended for non western european language content


Highly recommended for plugins and language packs

PHP Settings

cgi.fix_pathinfo =

"1" is recommended if AJAX is not workingThanks in advance for your suggestions !

That would be because your running 1.9.2.  Please upgrade

Thanks for your quick answer.I didn't expect such a big improvement on localization in just 2 maintenance releases, so I hadn't considered upgrading.The update went fine, and copying fr.phar actually did its job :-)

The translation efforts have completed phase 2, and phase 3 is underway.  It's not done yet, but each maint release pushes us closer to the finished feature.  :)

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