Hello!I have a problem with Swedish characters (åäö) for incoming mail. If the body text contains å, ä or ö, so get the html formatting for example, A is "& auml;".The subject line is broken at a Swedish character and the name from the sender contains å, ä or ö I get error: Mail Fetcher and osTicket not retrieving email from my IMAP inbox.I am using osTicket v1.7.9

1.7 is old.  You should upgrade.

I wish I could. But my web host runs PHP version 5.2, (osTicket 1.8 or 1.9 requires PHP version 5.3).

Now I have changed hosting and installed osTicket v1.9.3.

But unfortunately, I still have problems with å, ä and ö. Once a case is started by a email and the sender's name or the title of the email containing ä, for example, so it is removed. For example, if someone named Pär Pärson sends an email will name field in osTicket show Pr Prson.

Same database, but you upgraded it right?Have you gone in and edited their name in the database?

I have found the problem now.

It works if I send the email from Gmail, previously sent the email from a form on a PHP page. The fault lay not in osTicket, that's the encoding that is wrong in my PHP page.

This applies to v1.9, the problem persists for v1.7.

Thanks anyway

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