I cannot find documentation on the effect of checking the box 'accept all emails' (Admin Panel | Settings | Email), and as the hover help indicates that e-mails from users might be rejected I am reluctant to uncheck. However, I think, having the box 'accept all emails' checked results in an e-mail from anybody that goes to the address that we have designated to feed into the ticket system to be processed as a ticket. For instance, a vacation auto-responder appears to generate a ticket. Even worse, it seems to generate a user in the user list that I cannot even delete since there is no name associated with the user (i.e., I have a bunch of users in the user list without a name, but the name is used to access user details and delete a user).My questions:a) If I uncheck the box, any user who has started a ticket on-line using osTicket and then responds to a ticket via e-mail will not get rejected; only users will get rejected who are not known as registered or unregistered user to the ticket system. Specifically, if a user submits his/her first ever ticket by sending e-mail, this is the only ticket that gets rejected. Is this true?b) How can I get rid of the empty users in my user list?Thank you, Beate