Hello,I've recently created a custom form that will show up whenever I choose a certain help topic on the open ticket page.So for example if I go to "New Ticket", and I select "Phone System" from the help topic list, the fields I specified in the new form will show up.  I also went ahead and created a new ticket alert email template and included the variables from the newly created form in this email template.My question is, how can I tell osTicket to send out my newly created email template when that new form is used, instead of the default new ticket alert template when the default ticket form is used.  I hope this makes sense.  If you have any questions or feedback please feel free to let me know.Your help is greatly appreciated!Thank you very much,Dave

I'm not entirely sure that you can.  But if it were me I would create a ticket filter.I would match on the help topic.I would tick "Disable auto-response"I would make a canned response, and select it.and see if that works.I've never tried this, so this is a guess.

a month later

Sorry for the wayyy late response ntozier I got side-tracked on some other projects.  Thank you for your response.  We were able to get it to work:First, as I stated above we created a new help topic called "Phone System".  When the user clicks on that help topic, the new form fields appear.  The user then fills in all of the information.  Then what we did was create a new template set.  We also created a new department and tied it to that new template set.  We tied the department to the help topic that was created, so that when a user selects "Phone System", it is already tied to the new department which is tied to the new template set which sends out the proper email. Sorry if that sounds a bit confusing as it actually was a little bit haha but this could be a solution in case anyone else runs into the need for something similar.  I just wanted to post my findings and say thanks again for the response.Best,Dave 

Thanks for the follow up. :)  I like how you solved that, thanks for posting your solution.  Hopefully is someone else is trying to do something similar they will see this and it will help them.  I'll mark this thread as resolved and close it.  Please feel free to start a new thread if you have another question.

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