My .qmail-tjati file has the following content:    |/path/to/osticket/api/pipe.phpAnd every email sent to is arriving correctly and instantly in osTicket. This is very fine.I have a active ticket filter:Execution order: 1Filter Status: ActiveTarget Channel: AnyFilter Rules: Match AnyAddressee (To and Cc) Equal tjati@example.comFilter ActionsDepartment: my super departmentAuto-assign To: TjatiOther values are the dfefault ones.I want that every email sent to is auto-assigned to me. But currently it looks like no received email is triggering this filter. What can I do? I believe, that the qmail service changes the To-value so I need to readd it or do something different. Any ideas?OsTicket 1.9.3

Try changing Equal to Contains.

Hi,Does not work. I rechecked how the mail arrived. The To:-field is unaltered but the Delivered-To::-(

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