- Edited
Hey all,release 1.9.3I just noticed a bug in the way the "redactor" is selected by the button "clear form" ("Zurücksetzen" in german).Around line 222 in staff/faq.inc.php: <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Zurücksetzen" onclick="javascript: $(this.form).find('textarea.richtext') .redactor('deleteDraft'); location.reload();" />The richtext area is not selected, there is just a workaround made with location.reload() to archive the effect.I noticed this because I wasn't able to select the redactor with $(document).find('textarea.richtext').length (what gives 2 here because of the notices field below the answer region).To select the answer region I used $(document).find('').redactor('someRedactorFunction') here.Maybe someone find it useful or have any other suggestions about this :)regards