When the user wants to answer the answer of an agent, and click post the response, the browser page is blank: The URL would be: http://xxxxx.xxx/tickets.php?id=8#reply Furthermore, the system log shows me this: DB Error # 1054  Unknown column 'cdata .priority_id 'in' field list 'Go Back ---- ---- # 0 C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ soporterapoker \ include \ mysqli.php (182): osTicket-> logDBError ('DB Error # 1054', '[SELECT ticket ....') # 1 C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ soporterapoker \ include \ staff \ templates \ tickets.tmpl.php (37): db_query ('SELECT ticket.t ...') # 2 C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ soporterapoker \ include \ staff \ user-view.inc.php (135): include ('C: inetpub \\ \\ wwwr ...') # 3 C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ soporterapoker \ scp \ users.php (103): require ('C: inetpub \\ \\ wwwr ...') # 4 {main}

as a CLIENT, I can not write 2 times in the same ticket ... I can just generate it and if I want to answer the agent response or add more information when click in publishing button gets a blank page, not published anything.I attached the screen sequence




You appear to be using a version of osTicket that wasn't released by us.You really have not provided us with enough information to assist you. 

Please help us to help you by reading and following this thread: Please read before requesting assistance.  Thank you.

@[deleted]I guess you are wrong with that:You appear to be using a version of osTicket that wasn't released by us. 

Seems like it's osTicket 1.9.4-DPR or RC with Spanish language - I know because I have an installation running here with the German translation ;)Beside that I will check tomorrow how our test system with 1.9.4-RC behaves here.@[deleted]Try to clear your browsers cache - had a DB error 1054 too, which just came once and disappeared right after I used browser private mode and cleared the cache of the browser in the non-private / normal mode.

Yeah it's entirely possible, but my real point was that with out version info etc.  There is no way that we can attempt to really assist. :)

@[deleted](Just to make sure you don't miss it)Ok, now I understand ;)Tested it myself here and unfortunately can confirm the issue, which should definitely be fixed before the next release, so I guess it would be good to ping the devs about that here ;)Here are the info about the osTicket installation - just update to 1.9.4-RC2:Serverinformationen


v1.9.4-rc2 (9f54e67)


Apache/2.4.6 (Linux/SUSE)




5.6.12Additionally I noticed the following in apache error log: PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getField() on a non-object in /srv/www/htdocs/previewticket/tickets.php on line 82, referer: http://XXXXXXXXXXXX/previewticket/tickets.php?id=86The reply itself btw. is not received / inserted into osTicket.

Forgot to mention that there is no DB Error # 1054 inside osTicket system log here - just the php fatal error from apache log.

I have the same problem:url: http://xxxxxxxxxx/osticket/tickets.php?id=3 -> http://xxxxxxxxxx/osticket/tickets.php?id=3#replyServer info:osTicket-Version: v1.9.4-rc2 (9f54e67)Server-Software: Apache (2.2.15-31.el6.centos)PHP-Version: 5.4.32MySQL-Version: 5.5.39Apache error_log: mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getField() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/osticket/tickets.php on line 82, referer: http://xxxxxxxxxx/osticket/tickets.php?id=3Thanks in advance.

I've pinged the devs about this thread.  Thank you all for the multiple efforts in posting your troubleshooting information.

I can confirm that this is fixed in v1.9.4-rc2. Here's the code that generates the SQL statement:https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/blob/v1.9.4-rc2/include/staff/templates/tickets.tmpl.phpThe problem part of the code wasLEFT JOIN ON ost_ticket_priority pri (pri.priority_id = cdata.priority_id) and it was fixed prior to the release of rc2 in this commit.Sorry for any confusion. Downloading the latest from osTicket.com and upgrading should address the issue.Cheers,Jared

So I was able to confirm the issue with the end-user reply. I've created a pull-request with the fix on GitHub. Sorry again for any inconvenience and confusion.https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/pull/1269

Thanks for the fix and the info here about the fix :)

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