While adding a calendar/date picker form I noticed that it appears under another bar (Image below for reference). I searched through the forums for an answer and found this thread: http://forum.osticket.com/d/discussion//calendar-date-selection-appears-under-ticket-search-pop-upHowever the suggested CSS revision, modifying the Z-index, did not solve my problem. So I'm wondering if anyone knows which css document I need to modify in order to fix this issue.Please let me know if anyone wants additional clarification.

I figured it out. What you need to do is add this code to the css file osticket.css: .ui-datepicker {

z-index: 300 !important;



Already reported that issue some time ago to the developers, but with a different solution. We changed the toolbar z-index to 1 (from 3) which also worked. Unfortunately I guess it never got fixed :/

See here: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/980

@[deleted] @[deleted]@osticket.com

Would be great to finally see this issue fixed ;)

passing this thread off to the devs.Closing this thread and marking it as resolved.Thanks for the update and fix!

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