Hi,In v1.9.3 I've been uploading (attaching) some pdf documents to create a knowledge base. When I (or any staff user - these are all internal), select one of these attachments to view it the attachment opens in a browser instead of Adobe Acrobat/Reader or other pdf viewer. The browser shows a bunch of unintelligible junk - I suppose this is the data that the PDF viewer would read and convert into the actual readable document.Anyone have any idea how to fix this?Thank you!

KB attachment.png

I've found that the file.php file for handling kb attachments (\upload\kb\file.php) has slightly different coding thatn the file.php file for handling ticket attachments (\upload\scp\file.php). The ticket attachments (PDF) open properly in the browser.kb version:strcasecmp($h, $file->getDownloadHash())) //next 32 is file id + session hash.ticket version:strcasecmp($file->getDownloadHash(), $h)) //next 32 is file id + session hash.I tried using the ticket version in the kb file.php file but that did not make a difference.Any thoughts on how to fix the kb PDF view?Thanks!

Please open up an issue on the github site at github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8 so this doesn't get lost

6 days later

I've opened this ticket in github: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/1222

6 days later
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