I noticed in a customer's reply this morning that my original message was not stripped as expected, and at the end of it was an image that Osticket had blocked from loading. Upon further inspection of the HTML, I see this:<span style="height: auto; width: auto; display: inline-block;" class="" data-src="l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmailtrack.me%2Ftracking%2FraWzMz50paMkCGRmAwL3AGx3AGRzMKWjqzA2pzSaqaR9Zwp0BGt2AQH5Vt.gif&amp;auth=e71b4fb5348d03490c33bfed541f3e71"><img style="border" src="l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmailtrack.me%2Ftracking%2FraWzMz50paMkCGRmAwL3AGx3AGRzMKWjqzA2pzSaqaR9Zwp0BGt2AQH5Vt.gif&amp;auth=e71b4fb5348d03490c33bfed541f3e71"></span>This is a recent upgrade to 1.9.3. Please tell me that this isn't what I think it is, and than OSTicket is not inserting tracking links into all emails that use an outside 3rd party.

Have you actually checked your email templates to make sure that you or someone else didn't put this in?

Your customer has a virus on his computer that is injecting the link in email and web posts. That's the main reason why we don't show external images, like this one, initially (an agent needs to click the button). Surprisingly, I know this, because we had the same issue with one of our employee laptops. In our case, unfortunately, it was on the agent side and we sent a few emails to customers with strange links in them before we caught it and cleaned up the computer.PS — The software is open source; hosted at https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8; so you can read the source. No need to be paranoid.

@[deleted]:I have not yet, short of opening a ticket to myself to see the raw mail output I'm not sure how to check that. Unless the 1.9 update adds the ability to CC and/or archive all outgoing mail (like most POP/IMAP clients do).@[deleted]:I thought that might be the case after a I grep'd the local install and could find no instance of that string on the server. Also, since I got a dev reply can I ask a Q? Why do you guys have the 1.9 version inside the 1.8 repo, when 1.7 got its own? Or am I misunderstanding how github works (entirely possible).?

You're overthinking it. We started with the 1.7 version in the repo name, then forked to 1.8. What's the advantage of forking to a 1.9 repo? The next repo will not have a version number in the name. In my opinion the version number in the repo is misleading and unnecessary.Cheers,

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