- Edited
I noticed in a customer's reply this morning that my original message was not stripped as expected, and at the end of it was an image that Osticket had blocked from loading. Upon further inspection of the HTML, I see this:<span style="height: auto; width: auto; display: inline-block;" class="" data-src="l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmailtrack.me%2Ftracking%2FraWzMz50paMkCGRmAwL3AGx3AGRzMKWjqzA2pzSaqaR9Zwp0BGt2AQH5Vt.gif&auth=e71b4fb5348d03490c33bfed541f3e71"><img style="border" src="l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmailtrack.me%2Ftracking%2FraWzMz50paMkCGRmAwL3AGx3AGRzMKWjqzA2pzSaqaR9Zwp0BGt2AQH5Vt.gif&auth=e71b4fb5348d03490c33bfed541f3e71"></span>This is a recent upgrade to 1.9.3. Please tell me that this isn't what I think it is, and than OSTicket is not inserting tracking links into all emails that use an outside 3rd party.