Hi there,I just sent an test email to my gmx-account:blank

What happened?

No idea.  I have never seen this sort of thing happens.  It looks to me like te email was manged during transport.

What is the possible solution or what do you need to find a slution for this problem? I can't image you want this problem unhandled.

You haven't really provided us with much information regarding your problem, so I'm not real sure what to tell you.You haven't told us the version of osTicket your running, what your mail setup is (mail server software, spam filter software/hardware, delivery method to osT), and what email client you used to send/receive, what method your using to send email from osT (phpmail, smtp).As I stated previously, I have never seen this happen and I do not recall this sort of issue being reported before.  I would recommend that you attempt to use the search feature to see if anyone else reported what a similar issue (or check github) and see if their setup is similar to yours, and/or what their solution was.

My osTicket Version is 1.9.3. My shared hoster uses a sendmail wrapper of qmail (netqmail 1.06).PHP is in Version 5.5.10. All necessery PHP extensions are installed. I used the webmail client of gmx.net to receive the test mail. The agent activation mail is garbage, too.osTicket is currently configured, to use "None: USE PHP mail function" as the default MTA.

After you haev removed the language files please test this again and let us know how you make out.

I test it again with a fresh install and english as the default language. The problems still occurs.May you create an account at www.gmx.net and reproduce it by yourself?Is it possible to set osTicket only to send text mails?

Can you send me a PM here on the forums about this please? I'm actually in a training class today for my job, and would like to test this for you but really cannot just right now and I do not want to forget to do it later. :)

Anyway, is it possible to configure osTicket only to send text emails and not html emails? I love text emails...

Just deleted my gmx web.de etc. account recently, but I never had these issues with HTML mails. Switching to text mails is possible, just don't know right now where / which option you need to switch off. Will look that up tomorrow and also do some gmx testing... Need a new spam account anyway

To disable HTML mails, just disable this setting:Admin Panel -> Tickets -> Enable HTML Ticket Thread -> Disable

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