Hello.Pagination link in org directory targets to users directory, while org is needed.There is a bug in include/staff/templates/users.tmpl.php line 36:$pageNav->setURL('users.php',$qstr.'&sort='.urlencode($_REQUEST).'&order='.urlencode($_REQUEST));Line should looks like this for correct pagination:$pageNav->setURL('orgs.php?id=',$org->getId(),$qstr.'&sort='.urlencode($_REQUEST).'&order='.urlencode($_REQUEST));

2 months later

Dear SavRog,

I found that the issue still exists in v1.9.4-rc4, and follow your provided information to change the code.

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,Edward

7 days later

I've forwarded this information to the devs.

5 months later

Dear ntozier,

The issue still exists in v1.9.6 with include/staff/templates/users.tmpl.php line 39:$pageNav->setURL('users.php', $qs);

The correct code should be:$pageNav->setURL('orgs.php?id=',$org->getId(), $qs);

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