We use help topics to classify our tickets.We are using nested helptopics like this (I love this feature!):first level of classification second level of classification   third level of classificationTopic1 -> Topic1.1 -> Topic1.1.1 Topic1 -> Topic1.2 -> Topic1.1.2Topic1 -> Topic1.3 -> Topic1.2.1 Topic1 -> Topic1.4 -> Topic1.2.2 -> Topic1.2.3  Topic2 -> Topic2.1 -> Topic2.1.1 Topic2 -> Topic2.2 -> Topic2.2.1 Topic2 -> Topic2.3If I disable Topic1, this help topic is not available in the help topic drop down list, as expected. Topic1.1,Topic1.2, Topic1.3 and Topic1.4 are still availabe, also as expected.But when I disable Topic1.1 this will cause that not only this help topic is not available in the drop down list, also Topic1.1.1 and Topic1.1.2 are not available, that I wouldn't expect.Is this a bug or a design limitation?

2 months later

I have tested also Version 1.9.3 and 1.9.4 rc2.But the "limitation" also exist in these versions.When I disable a help topic in the second "level" all "following" help topics are disabled as well.I will explain you why this would be nice feature for us or maybe other users:We use the nested feature to create different classification levels as I described before.For Example:Administration->Manage User->Create UserAdministration->Manage User->Migrate User            We would like to disable some help topics so that agents could not classify "unwanted" unspecific help topics for example "Manage User".But when we do this, the help topics "Create User" and "Migrate User" wouldn't be available too.When I disable a help topic in the first "level" of help topics this is possible, when I disable for example "Administration", the help topic "Manage User" is still available.So I guess this is a limitation of the nested structure (or is it a bug?). But It would be really nice to have the possibility to control the appearance of every single help topic.

2 months later

I have tested this with the final 1.9.4 version too. The behavior is still the same...

That is how it was designed.It's been that way since they implemented nested help topics.

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