Hello,Is it possible to show images by default in a ticket thread? We use an image in our signature (our logo) and default it is shown as this:I would like to show images by default if possible. i'm using OSTicket 9.1.2

Screen Shot 2014-07-18 at 09.25.55.png

2 months later

Was this resolved? I am looking for this feature as well

I too would love this feature! Does anyone know a simple way to do it?

So you mean something like this:blank

note: this is an actual screen shot of an actual ticket on my test system.

Yes. I have my image on a canned response linked to an image I host on the same server i host osticket, but instead of it showing the image, it shows the default image, such as in the original poster's attached image above. It also displays a button that says, "show images".   I'd rather the image just show up like yours.

Click insert image.drag and drop image into attach window.viola.

Yep. That fixes it. When creating canned messages and using the "insert image" button followed by choosing "Link" and "web link" the image will not appear automatically and makes the user press a "show images" button to view the image.It would be nice having a note* of some kind after clicking "Link" that tells us the image wont auto appear.Thank you ntozier!  This will certainly alleviate some issues. Great product!

Nevermind. This does not work. I prefer to use the graphic link. Dropping a graphic file into a canned response will result in the graphic being attached to emails and attached to the post.Using the graphic web link method does not result in an attached image.So for example, if I'm using an image stored on my web server, it will NOT attach it to the post or email, but my clients are forced to click a show images button on the ticket.

So, in otherwords, is there a way to force the "show images" button to always show images?

So to be clear are you talking about the emails that a client receives... or the ticket thread in the web ui?Also what version of osTicket are you running?

I'm using 1.9.3When the client receives the email, I'm not too concerned if they can see the graphic within their email.Once they login to their ticket, I want the web link image to show automatically.blankThe main purpose of this graphic is to show clients where their attachment is within the ticket system. I have gotten many many complaints that they are unable to locate their attached file once they log into the ticket system. It only appears as a small paperclip and file name below the post where their attachment is. So, I made a large graphic to point to it. Now that I'm thinking about it, I can create an image to replace the following:(URL)scp/images/icons/file.gifInstead of making it a little paper clip, I can make it a large colorful icon.

2 years later

Open file includes/class.format.phpLook for the function:display($text, $inline_images=true, $balance=true)And comment (or delete) this lines:$text = preg_replace_callback('/<img (*)(src="http+")(*)\/>/',            function($match) {                // Drop embedded classes -- they don't refer to ours                $match = preg_replace('/class="*"/', '', $match);                return sprintf('<span %s class="non-local-image" data-%s %s></span>',                    $match, $match, $match);            },            $text);

@[deleted] 1.9.3 is ancient you should really upgrade.  The current version of the 1.9 tree is 1.9.15, and even the 1.9 tree is old as 1.10 is out.

of course I just noticed that this thread is from Sept 2014.@[deleted] please do not necro threads.Closing zombie.

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