I'm having a couple of issues. Upgraded an old installation (needed to keep tickets) and this is another issue i'm experiencing. Clients cannot open their new tickets at all. They create a ticket, get an e-mail with the ticket ID #. They then request a ticket access link, which is sent to their e-mail. Next they click the link in their e-mail and it results like so..blankRefreshing the page does nothing at all. Note that i'm not logged into either the Admin panel or user panel, all I did was follow the ticket access link e-mailed to me.System info is:blankThank you in advance!

(I should really make this a template response or something...) its likely that you are encountering an error.  You would want to

consult your PHP error log.  You can find the location of your PHP error

log in your php.ini.Alternatively you can turn on error display in osTicket.  Direction on how to do that can be found here:Q: How do I turn on error displaying for osTicket?http://www.tmib.net/osticket-v19x-frequently-asked-questions-faq#2You would want to post the error that you are getting here so that we can assist you.

(I should really make this a template response or something...)

its likely that you are encountering an error.  You would want to consult your PHP error log.  You can find the location of your PHP error log in your php.ini.

Alternatively you can turn on error display in osTicket.  Direction on how to do that can be found here:

Q: How do I turn on error displaying for osTicket?


You would want to post the error that you are getting here so that we can assist you.

I have debug mode on in OSTicket, and checked my PHP error log setting, which is set to display all. No errors whatsoever, or even warnings, in both.

I find it highly unlikely that there is no errors.  Try turning on error displaying in osT to confirm that you are correct.

I find it highly unlikely that there is no errors.  Try turning on error displaying in osT to confirm that you are correct.

This is all I see:blank

Also @[deleted] now that I'm on PHP5 I tried it again, and the links in e-mails lead right back to the "Check Ticket Status" page.Still no significant errors in the PHP error_log aside from: PHP Fatal error: Directive 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' is no longer available in PHP in Unknown on line 0

I would recommend downgrading to an older version of PHP.

I would recommend downgrading to an older version of PHP.

I just made the move to 5.5 as a test of whether there are issues with my original php version. I was initially on 5.4 with the same issues.

Any ideas on a fix for this? I love OSticket but it's not usable since ticket owners cannot check responses we send them, nor see the ticket status.Thank you.

Edit: Did a fresh install, and this issue is solved. 

interesting.  Well thanks for posting what you did to fix it.I'll

mark this thread as resolved and close it, however please do not

hesitate to start a new thread if you have another question.

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