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How come whenever I hover the pointer to a Log Title I only see a white message box?What could be the problem why there are no message displayed?Thanks
How come whenever I hover the pointer to a Log Title I only see a white message box?What could be the problem why there are no message displayed?Thanks
I just noticed that it does not only occur in system logs but also in the other parts of the system.
Please consult your php and apache error logs. Your server is apparently not handling the ajax calls properly.
@[deleted] where would I see the php and apache logs? Thanks
php and web server logs are configurable and where they reside is system dependent. I cannot tell you where your files are located. the php.ini will tell you where the php error log is. your web server config will tell you where your access and error logs are.
Would this help? this is the error log and the 2nd photo is were the error log was pointing. What does this mean? @[deleted] the code is from line 64 to line 83
Now that you have provided the PHP error log I will point out this thread to the devs.
@[deleted] thanks
installed 1.9.2 still I can't see the info or whatsoever is inside the tooltip
When I upgraded I had a different error in php saying 403.shtml file does not exist then I have made a 403.shtml the error in my php was gone but still nothing changed with the issue.
would the php version and mysql version have something to do with the problem I tried installing it with a different version the first one is 5.3.28 and 5.1.73 the other version which the tootltip works fine is 5.4.26 and 5.6.16. Would that mean I need to upgrade the php and mysql?
Generally when tooltips aren't working its a webserver misconfiguration (or something like SELinux blocking the requests).
How will it be fixed?I'm kinda new to all of this, I don't have any idea. Thanks
the statistics is not showing either? are they the same as the tooltip?
Please post what you have at: Admin panel -> Dashboard -> System Information
System Information @[deleted]
I just checked the error log located in the scp folder and the warning is still the same as the first screen shot I posted.
our server just needed to be reloaded, everything is fine now