This was posted elsewhere in this forum a while ago but doesn't appear to have been acknowledged yet so apologies for the repost, we've had this error popping up on almost every ticket that is looked at since 1.9.0.Only seems to affect Chrome, not seen it appear in any version of IE we have used.blank

osticket error.png

I have been experiencing this issue with Chrome as well while running OST 1.9.1.  It appears to be related to the contenteditable area specifically when combining multiple elements. I am not sure if the issue was corrected in 1.9.2 with the upgrade to Redactor 9.2.4, but plan to find out over the weekend. ~Cheers

You may want to open an issue on github about this... although I feel like there already is.

You may want to open an issue on github about this... although I feel like there already is.

Yep, found an open issue there that looks pretty much like this one so I have updated it with the info from this thread as the fix suggested there was already in place but not having any affect.

+1  Thanks for looking.Sorry I've been in training all week for a certification for work... and haven't really had much time on the forums.

2 months later

I've opened a new issue on github for this since the one I posted in previously has been flagged as a question and contains some confusing info so I've tried to consolidate it into the new post here: hopefully we can get acknowledged as an issue and fixed in an upcoming release :)

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