I have just installed OSTicket, and need to setup LDAP to be used for the authentication.I have entered all the LDAP settings so OSTicket can connect to the active directory server on site; I know the settings are correct as I am using the same credentials as WordPress LDAP plugin, that runs on the same web server.Anyway, whenever I try and save the settings that I have entered I just get a blank screen, that's it! No error message or anything  System/Environment Information:osTicket Versionv1.9.1 (0e29c8d)Server SoftwareApache/2.2.17 (Win32)PHP Version5.3.6MySQL Version5.5.9PHP Extensionsgdlibimapxmlxml-domjsongettextmbstring

Please consult your PHP error logs and post your findings here.

came across the same problem

it's also not saving the settings

@[deleted] Please consult your PHP error logs and post your findings here.

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