Hi,Ive added a link on the thank you page to our main site but it keeps returning me to the Sign in page. How can i fix this ?<a href="http://www.site.com/Shop" target="_self">Back to store</a>osTicket Version

v1.9.1Server Software

ApachePHP Version

5.4.14MySQL Version


So you went to Manage -> Pages -> Thank you.You put your url in the fields some where and ... how does the link appear (and the target appear) when you view the thank you page?

The link appears as Back to store, when hovered over and clicked it opens in a new tab with the following url:http://www.SITE.com/Help/l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.SITE.com%2FStore&auth=2a2b854ac45d82345ac579d21ab520f4I added the link to the thank you page in v 1.8 which followed as it should.

Go to the page (admin panel -> manage -> pages -> Thank you)Click on <>Put the html link in.click Save Changes.

That's how i entered it originally, ive tried it the reverse way to with the same results Ive tested the link on the landing page, this opens as it should... hummm

This is a bug in the software that somehow alters the original links in thank you pages . It is happening to me and it was not happening in version 1.8. All links and image links are changed by the software when Thank You page is presented to the user making them useless and not showing the images. For example the following link that appears like this in the editor:http://www.global-wellness-emporium.com/ayuda/open.phpIs changed to this in the Thank You page presented to the user...l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.global-wellness-emporium.com%2Fayuda%2Fopen.php&amp;auth=e3993c6606923a9555f5a80cb03af0e4And the following link...http://www.global-wellness-emporium.com/ayuda/kb/faq.php?id=6Is changed to this in the Thank You page...l.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.global-wellness-emporium.com%2Fayuda%2Fkb%2Ffaq.php%3Fid%3D6&amp;auth=e3993c6606923a9555f5a80cb03af0e4Can you tell us how to fix this bug in the source code? Something has been changed from version 1.8 to version 1.9 that produces this errorsI have also observed that the Thank You page is altered in some tags (although they do not produce any visual errors), like changing the img tag by a div class="non-local-image" tagIs there a way to stop osticket from making these changes to Thank You pages?

And by the way, any of those modified links in the Thank You page take you to the Chek Ticket Status page no matter what the original link really links to.

Other error are the links in emails sent as responses when a staff member replies to a ticket. The links sent in the reply emails are also corrupted. For example, the following link...http://www.SITE.com/comprarIs changed to this in the reply emails...https://l.php/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.SITE.com%2Fcomprar&auth=e3993c6606923a9555f5a80cb03af0e4 Which takes to nowhere when you clic it :-(

@[deleted] please don't hijack other peoples threads and start your own.Also please see: https://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/926

Hi, I have made the change in file include/class.thread.php but this hasn't fixed the problem.

Then you should probably update the thread on GitHub and let them know that its not solved for you

okay ive done that now thanks for the help so far.

Hi ntozier, just thought i would let you know that there is a solution provided by greezybacon on GitHub regarding this thread in case others wish to use it. Once again thank youhttps://github.com/osTicket/osTicket-1.8/issues/994

Right on!  Thanks for posting that here.  With how busy the forums are lately I some times miss following up on doing that myself .  I had seen the github thread earlier today and by the time I saw this I had totally disassociated the two... so its great that you did it!I'm going to mark this resolved and close it, please feel free to start a new thread should you have another question, comment, query, wonder, etc. :)

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