Which phone number should be displayed in the customer portal (ticket list, next to department)? I filled in phone numbers in several places but this field is always empty.

Have you populated the clients phone number?  Because I see phone numbers as a client when I log into view my tickets.  It looks like this:blank

Yes, there's a client phone number in the ticket, but it's not shown in the ticket list in the customer portal.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-05-29 um 18.41.00.png

Here you can see the ticket with the phone number.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-05-29 um 18.40.00.png

Ohhhhh  I see what you mean.  I presume that is a place holder for adding phone numbers to departments later.

I asked the devs just to make sure that I'm right, but I haven't gotten a response for it yet. :)

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