Hi,We've been running having successfully upgraded from 1.73. But there has been an annoying performance reduction.The Open list pops up in a second or two. But the Answered takes minutes, and Closed takes a quarter hour.Nothing else seems to have an issue on the server - other database operations are snappy.All prior versions were reasonably quick, too.PHP 5.3.3MySQL

5.0.95DB space used 530.02 MiBAtt sp used: 314.35 MiBAny ideas on how to solve this? Or ways to diagnose it?Thanks!

Sorry I am not able to replicate this behavior.  Whats your hardware on the server (processor/ram)?

Hi, Neil,It's not a hardware issue. This hardware has been running the prior versions just fine.This version is so buggy, is there a way to roll back the database to a prior version?A list of changes, perhaps? I don't want to lose the thousand or so tickets we have made in this version.I might suggest the reason you are not able to see the performance issues is you do not have ten thousand tickets? As stated, the Open pops up almost normally. But try to find someone's ticket history and its minutes! That's software, not hardware.There was a note about this in a slightly earlier version on this forum, so perhaps it has not been addressed?

There is no way to roll back the database.  You would have to restore from a backup which was running an older version.  I'm not sure why you think that this version is any more buggy than any other version though. :)You can suggest that and your right I do not have 10k tickets. My live servers only have 6k in one install and 900 in the other. :)I would think that your best bet would be to post on github and provide some hard data backing up your performance degradation claims.  There was some search slowness issues that I recall off the top of my head but they were addressed in a patch and you are the first person that I have heard report slowness issues in a while.

Thanks, Neil,The update install from 1.7.3 did not go smoothly, so my suspicion is that there was some error in the DB. By knowing what the changes were I was hoping to go back and take a look. The 1.7.3 code on the backup DB runs ok, so the performance hit is here with I cannot roll that back though (too many conversations!).Unfortunately we have our own software to develop, and don't have resources or expertise to dig into php. We'll have to muddle through for now. If you think moving to a different server would change anything I would do it, but I just can't see how it will affect anything using the same code and same database. Maybe someday I'll have the time to try it. On the other front, it's a bit expensive for us to move to the hosted version right now. We have too many 'agents' (who only need occasional access, but as their true self, not a generic identity.)If you have any other ideas let me know.Oh, the rollback idea was because although we love the RT editor, the dang hover boxes (Dashboard right over Open!) in the 1.7 UI drive us all nuts, and the other feature additions aren't really what we needed that badly. And we use LARGE attachments, so putting them in the DB (while there are reasons) seems excessive. But if it ever comes up, please cast our votes for changing their position or at least that one hover item. Thanks again for all you do to keep us running!

Q: And we use LARGE attachments, so putting them in the DB (while there are reasons) seems excessive.A: You could install the storage-fs plugin (new in 1.8.1+) and available here: https://github.com/osTicket/core-plugins to move the file storage back to the file system.For the record I totally agree that the hover timer is too low and I am constantly annoyingly opening hovers by accident.  So changing it has my vote too. :)

Not sure I understand this plugin system. I could add files, but the storage-fs folder has no docs or description, and then this from the readme.md has me completely at a loss:"After cloning, hydrate the repo by downloading the third-party library


php make.php hydrate"

I think I'll wait until there's something a normal user user can understand, or at least some documentation. Hopefully that'll be in the next update!Cheers!

1. download zip.2. un-archive it.3. place contents in plugins folder.

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