Hi All,      I've done some searching but not had much luck finding a solution to this problem (Two problems, but I think they are related to safari) -  My configuration    osTicket: - fresh install.   Apache: 2.2.15(Centos)   PHP: 5.3.3 :    osTicket listed PHP Extensions: gdlib, imap, xml, xml-dom, json, gettext, mbstring   MySQL: 5.1.71  So, the problems  seem to be with Safari on a MBP Ver 7.0.2 andSafari on iPAD on iOS 7.1 - Chrome 33.0.1750.152 and Firefox 27.01 are both fine.   I have cleared all cookies and tried both private and non private browsing modes      1. When I try to create a ticket from safari, I enter the ticket details , select create ticket and I get returned to the main osTicket page where you get asked to open a ticket or check ticket status. - No ticket is created.       At this point the admin console (via chrome) shows three Invalid CSRF Token __CSRFToken__ errors   2. When I try to login to the admin interface from safari, I enter credentials and select login and immediately get 'Authentication Required' error. But  No CSRF token errors are generated.I'm at a bit of a loss as to what the next steps are, any help would be appreciated.CheersAndy

Have you tried disabling selinux?

Hi,   Thanks for your reply.   I have selinux set to permissive on the centos box, will set it to disabled and reboot and try that.  CheersAndy

Let us know how the result.  :)

Hi,  Well I changed selinux policy from permissive to disabled and now tickets work on the Safari Browser on both a mac and iPAD :)    Kind of weird, throught selinux permissive was for warnings only on the server, not sure how that impacts browsers on independent devices, but seems to work now.   Anyone know why selinux/permissive would just break safari ?Andy

No idea, but I'm glad that you figure out what the problem was. :)

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