Hello All,I have an osticket instance v1.7.2. Everything is working well for the most part. However, after a new ticket is generated and the email goes to the customer, when they click the link to check the ticket status online, it directs them to the appropriate page, and populated the email address and ticket number. When they click "View Status" they receive invalid login,   Authentication error - try again! Is there anybody else who has had this issue? How can I correct it? Thanks. 

1.7.3 is old at this point, please upgrade to 1.7.5 and let us know if you still have this problem.

Is there a location where 1.7.5 is available for download?

...Nevermind that last comment....

I upgraded to Core 1.7.5. and I am still having the same authentication issue. What should I try next?

Have they cleared their browser cache?Have you confirmed the login creds they are using?Are you seeing login errors in the system log? (Admin panel -> Dashboard -> System Log)

22 days later

Hi there,I am having the same problem. I am using OsTicket system version 18.0.2. I can login via the e-mail using the link called login, but I cannot log into my account using the "check ticket status button" then I get the same error message mentioned above.  I have checked the system log and I have found no error logs. Also I have cleared my browsers cache several times. I did not confirm the login creds, because I thought this was confirmed automatically because of the login link in the customers e-mail. However I have no idea where to confirm these creds.  I have been searching in the admin panel and in the staff panel, but did not find anything related to confirming login creds. Can anyone please help?

7 years later

Hi ! This is still an issue. I'm using version 1.14.2 and it's not possible to follow a ticket status. You fill in email and ticket number, you get an email with a URL. You follow the URL and you back at the same page to fill in your email and ticket number... It's a loop...

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