Hi,I wanted to reset the dashboard and statistics, so the system could go live. But, there seems to be few issues now: 1. I tried the forum discussions and did truncate the ost_ticket_event table and it did reset the dashboard chart, but now I'm seeing instead of ticket numbers it shows 'NaN' which is very weird..Now I keep getting, DB error# 1582 and 1064 error alerts after every 30 seconds2. I also want to clear the statistics at the bottom of dashboard page, as it keeps showing numbers which are not true.Can somebody help in this regard ?

Sorry, just to post the error for any one of you to refer:DB Error # 1064


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual

that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near

'\"created\" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Opened,


SUM(CASE WHEN A1.state = \' at line 2<br /> <br />

---- Backtrace ----<br />



osTicket->logDBError('DB Error #1064', '[SELECT CONCAT_...')<br />



db_query('SELECT CONCAT_W...')<br />

#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\CrownTechSupport\include\ajax.reports.php(159):

OverviewReportAjaxAPI->getData()<br />

#3 :

OverviewReportAjaxAPI->getTabularData()<br />



call_user_func_array(Array, Array)<br />



UrlMatcher->dispatch('table', Array)<br />



Dispatcher->resolve('table', Array)<br />

#7 C:\xampp\htdocs\CrownTechSupport\include\class.dispatcher.php(38):

UrlMatcher->dispatch('/report/overvie...', NULL)<br />

#8 C:\xampp\htdocs\CrownTechSupport\scp\ajax.php(99):

Dispatcher->resolve('/report/overvie...')<br />

#9 {main}

DB ERROR # 1582


Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'FROM_UNIXTIME'<br /> <br />

---- Backtrace ----<br />

#0 D:\Web\Support\include\mysqli.php(126): osTicket->logDBError('DB Error #1582', '[SELECT T1.dept...')<br />

#1 D:\Web\Support\include\ajax.reports.php(136): db_query('SELECT T1.dept_...')<br />

#2 D:\Web\Support\include\ajax.reports.php(162): OverviewReportAjaxAPI->getData()<br />

#3 : OverviewReportAjaxAPI->getTabularData()<br />

#4 D:\Web\Support\include\class.dispatcher.php(140): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)<br />

#5 D:\Web\Support\include\class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch('table', Array)<br />

#6 D:\Web\Support\include\class.dispatcher.php(118): Dispatcher->resolve('table', Array)<br />

#7 D:\Web\Support\include\class.dispatcher.php(38): UrlMatcher->dispatch('/report/overvie...', NULL)<br />

#8 D:\Web\Support\scp\ajax.php(99): Dispatcher->resolve('/report/overvie...')<br />

#9 {main}

Hey guys,DB ERROR # 1582 on v1.8.0.1im not sure what actually caused these errors. wasnt

exactly doing anything apart from we did assign a job to someone a

minute earlier. i cant see that anything is affectedThese came through in about12 different emails: (also see attached)


Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function

'FROM_UNIXTIME'<br /> <br />

---- Backtrace ----<br />

#0 (root)/include/mysqli.php(126):

osTicket->logDBError('DB Error #1582', '[SELECT T1.dept...')<br />

#1 (root)/include/ajax.reports.php(136): db_query('SELECT

T1.dept_...')<br />

#2 (root)/include/ajax.reports.php(162):

OverviewReportAjaxAPI->getData()<br />

#3 :

OverviewReportAjaxAPI->getTabularData()<br />

#4 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(140):

call_user_func_array(Array, Array)<br />

#5 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(38):

UrlMatcher->dispatch('table', Array)<br />

#6 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(118):

Dispatcher->resolve('table', Array)<br />

#7 (root)/include/class.dispatcher.php(38):

UrlMatcher->dispatch('/report/overvie...', NULL)<br />

#8 (root)/scp/ajax.php(99):

Dispatcher->resolve('/report/overvie...')<br />

#9 {main}



I thought you'd provide a solution or workaround

I've asked the devs to take a look at this.

5 days later

I too am having a similar problem - the dashboard is OK until I try to select a date range, and then I get database errors #1582 in the logs, and the dashboard then shows no statistics. This also started for me after truncating the above mentioned table. Any insight on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!


minor-latin;mso-hansi-theme-font-latin;mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";


EN-US;mso-bidi-language-SA">Incorrect parameter count in the call to native

function 'FROM_UNIXTIME'  <- seesm to be the problem?

Appreciate your reply guys, but I'm still stuck at the same issue.So, any updated from devs ?I think , if there's a button which can refresh the entire dashboard view to NIL (should only be done by Admin), then it will make it good to go.

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