Hello,Since I have upgraded osTicket to 1.8.0 every time I want to post a reply I get "Confirm Navigation" box.See the screenshot attached. This box appears when I press "Post Reply" button.I always click "Leave this Page" and my message is successfully posted on the thread.I also tried Firefox browser - got the same popup before posting my message.Anyone else has similar issue? How could I avoid that dialog box?Thank you.


Attachment did not stick to my first message. I am attaching it now.


4 months later

We get this all the time too.  You do have this message posted under 1.7 though.  Wish I knew how to fix it.

17 days later

I have this problem and i'm using is the file responsible about these alerts?

Its because you entered text. You can disable it by editing /scp/scp.js and putting:


Right at the bottom before })();

There will no longer be any warning before navigating away for Staff..

It's a good thing that I get that warning one time if I modified something.Useless if I get it twice, even if I didn't edit anything...I'll have to look better at how to replicate it.

6 months later

Does not work in v.1.9.4 :/, has anyboday had any luck with the latest version?

This thread appears to be about 1.8.0 (according to the title)... so why are you posting about 1.9.4 in it?

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