Hi,With 1.8 I get a new ticket alert if someone enters a ticket using the web form. But not if someone sends a mail to the support email address. The tickets are imported to osTicket using the cronjob. This works, but no alert email is triggered, so we don't know when someone sends an email.I've checked all possible settings.Any ideas?Thanks!

25 days later

how did you setup the cron job ?I'm using win server 2003, osticket

Remember please help us help you by reading and following this thread: please read before requesting assistance.Also please check the following:admin panel -> Settings -> Alerts & NoticesWhat do you have set for: New Ticket AlertUnder your departments  (admin panel -> Staff -> Departments -> your departmentsis "New Ticket" checked?Are you using ticket filters? (admin panel -> Manage -> ticket filters -> your filters)is "Ticket auto-response" disabled?

Hi there - I am experiencing the same thing.  No ticket for an email submission only via web form and my Alerts are set as you show.  Of course I wouldn't get them for tickets via the Web Form if this were not the case.The only filter I see is "SYSTEM BAN LIST"  so that is not likely the reason.Also - is it possible to be notified when someone responds via email as well?ThanksNeil

8 days later

Hey guys,maybe i can help youwe did find that when our host put shell permissions down to chrooted the cron would run their end, but would not run on the site. so to them it looks like it ran and to me it didnt, setting more laxed permission on shell worked. (Bash shell)In cron star everything, but in the minute put */1 so it runs every minute. just putting in 1 will run it once every hour.you can also test it by putting in this line in the cron.php to see if you get an email when the cron job runs. put it at the top of the php file.mail('yourmail@your email.com.au','Cron Test A1','Test');if you get an email, cron.php is actually running.another test is turn on debugging in> settings >default log level.then everytime cron.php is run, in > Dashboard > system logs it shows cron has run every minute.Finally the last thing i can tell you is the line which cron had to run, this is what i personally had to use:/usr/bin/php /var/www/vhosts/***********.com.au/httpdocs/support/api/cron.php

3 years later

hi i am also facing the same issue.Recently i have installed osTicket (v1.9.14)

on ubuntu 14.04 ,after installing successfully osticket i am able to

send mail from this tool but when i am trying to send mail from web to

genrate ticket, nothing is happening. Osticket is not genrating issue

ticket.regarding this issue i saw some blog with solution create cron job to fatch email. (so i create below entry on crontab)*/1 * * * * nobody /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/osticket/api/cron.phpStill i am not able to create ticket via web.kindly help if possible ASAPRegardsNikhil 

@[deleted] this thread is from dec 2013.  If you are having an issue please open your own thread... which since you already did also means that this is a cross post.  Please refrain from cross posting, and creating zombie threads.  Killing zombie with a head shot.

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