Since I've told other people that they should post their feedback and feature requests, its only fair that I try to lead by example. Here is a list of what I consider MUST HAVE features. They are divided into two sections

Realistic - easy to implement features on the current v1.6 ST code base.


Dreams - hard to implement, and would probably require vast re-writes to sections of code in the current v1.6 ST code base.

With out further verbiage here is my list with "brief" descriptions.


Feature Suggestion: LDAP/AD authentication

One of the features that I've personally implemented in my own OSTicket fork is the ability for admins to enable single point sign on using Active Directory. Specifics are in Admin panel -> Settings -> Authentication. Additioanly optional include fall back authentication enable/disable, as well as secondary auth servers. I had originally planned on also implementing a .htaccess option as well but never got around to it.

Feature Suggestion: Client and Staff MotD

One of the features that I use is a client MotD (Message of the Day) and a staff MotD that is set from the Admin panel -> Settings -> Client Message of the Day and Staff Message of the day. It includes when the message was last updated.

Feature Suggestion: Staff Dashboard

When going to Admin panel, the default page has been replaced with a dashboard that displays the following information:

Avg time tickets remain open (current year, all time), Avg response time (current year, all time), # of tickets opened (current year, all time). Additionally it displays the Client Message of the Day and Staff message of the day, and a quick summary of the last 5 log entries for OST.

Feature suggestion: Logo Control

My implementation allows me to control the Client Logo and Staff logo by going to Admin panel -> Layout -> General Settings. I never got around to finish all the options I wanted to implement for this but it allows you to enter the path to the different logos for both client and staff. Ultimately I would have liked to have a BROWSE button that allowed me to upload the logo to the site as well.

Feature Suggestion: Client Open Issues Summary

When a client goes to my OSTicket site they see a list of the current open issues. This list contains: ticket opener name, site ticket opened for, subject of the ticket, when ticket was opened, and when ticket was last updated. The idea behind this is that people won't open additional tickets for the same problem. I propose that Admin panel -> Settings -> Show Summary of Issues to Clients should be an enable/disable check box to easily toggle this feature on and off. Also a "severity threshold" drop down would be nice to limit the list to only Emergency or High+ tickets. Also a "Display maximum Issue Summary" text box (number) limiting the number of displayed open issues would be nice (with 0 meaning all open tickets that meet the desired threshold). Mine displays all tickets currently, but I could easily modify it with the above setting options.


Feature Suggestion: Module Plugin in / Addon frame work

One of the things that I have always loved about some CMS is their ability to load modules or addons that extend the products functionality. A similar system for OSTicket would be fantastic. (But would require a MAJOR code overhaul to implement.) This same frame work could include base distribution mods released by OSTicket devs and allow for third parties to release mods.

Feature Suggestion: Form Building

One of the limitations to OSTicket is that its not user friendly when it comes to doing something "simple" such as adding a text field, or drop down box, or check box etc to tickets. A Form Framework that allowed this would greatly increase the user friendliness of the project. Saving these fields to the DB and then generating forms on the fly would greatly increase flexability for users.

Feature Suggestion: Themeing Framework

People want to customize their implementations. (See Drupal, WordPress, etc) They want to be able to easily change the colors, fonts, placement of information, etc. A way to template or theme OSTicket would be fantastic. This would also allow third party "Themes" to be released and easily installed by admins. Even if we just stored the css colors, fonts, etc in the DB the extra control would go a long way. I realize that this would probably require a large code revamp to implement.

a year later

Thanks for the sharing . it helps me a lot. Have you more regarding the same?

10 years later
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