It would be nice if when a user creates a new ticket on the open.php page if it would show the ticket ID


Thank you for contacting us.

A support ticket request has been created TICKET ID (8675309)and a representative will be getting back to you shortly if necessary.

If you would like to check the status of your Support Request please go to "" and login with your email address and ticket id.

Support Team


If email messages is disabled and a user creates a new ticket the only way to get the ticket ID is to contact support. entering just the email address will not pull up a list of all the tickets associated with that email address if they go to the website.

The client should get ticket id given to them with out having to receive it in a email.

Thank you and I really like your software.

This has been requested in the past. It was deemed a security risk as the ticket number is used like a password for gaining access to the ticket system.

this software becomes more and more uselss.... its ok, I have found spiceworks to be more than compelte with features....

now I have tried to reinstall osticket it will not even display a single webpage no matter what I do even after doing a backup with EXACT SAME SETTINGS. THIS PROGRAM NEEDS A SOFTWARE PROGRAMMER TO EVEN FUNCTION.

far far far from being stable..........................................

the excuse it works on my workstation is not acceptable... if microsoft did that bill gates would be in the ditch....

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