I have forgotten either the username or password to login to my OSTicket administrative interface, which I believe is called the support center panel.

How do I recover or reset this password?

I have access to everything, thanks for your help...

Go into your mysql database and set the password for your username to


That translates to "welcome"

Run the following SQL query

UPDATE `ost_staff` SET `passwd` = MD5( 'password' ) WHERE `staff_id`='1';

Obv. replace password with what you want the password to be. If you used a custom prefix other then ost_ then change that too.

Go into your mysql database and set the password for your username to


That translates to "welcome"

Hey thanks scottro, that's awesome man.

Worked perfect, keep up the great work dood!

Run the following SQL query

Hey ntozier, thanks for your reply!

I just did what scottro did, appreciate your input.

If you do not want to touch the database directly (remember that the Staff Control Panel also was used by your staff and not only admin), then you may use the following solution:

(Add Forgot Password Feature for HelpDesk Officer into osTicket v1.6 RC5)


Masino Sinaga

a year later

Go into your mysql database and set the password for your username to


That translates to "welcome"

thank you for that

a month later


You can also copy another password from your staff in the mysql database and update it....when you log in , then log in with their password. When reached the interface....update or recover password

3 years later

Great info Scott.  Edited my account via the ost_staff table directly and it got me in like a charm.

2 years later

I am the new IT admin at a small business that was using osTicket at one point, but it's currently broken. The email landscape has changed since my predecessor left and that is probably why nothing works, including password resets. I tried both DB updates above and no joy. I am a MySQL novice - what am I probably doing wrong?blank

Hah - just saw 'backend=ldap'. Should've tried that sooner. Disregard the thread necromancer.

Bad necromancer! :)Killing zombie thread with a head shot.

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