
I have all installed correctly, but I have a small problem when I delete my test tickets. Initially they are all but eliminated after a few minutes they returned and generates automatically sends mail.

How to permanently delete tickets? Are a problem right CHMOD ?

I'm french excuse me for my English (Google translation)

Do you get the '1 of 1 tickets successfully deleted' message?

Are there any errors in the error log?

I have an error message "1 of 1 selected tickets deleted"

And I have no messages in my logs

At worst I just delete my message through sql but not professional.


Are you using email polling for mail fetching? If so, is it set to delete messages after it fetches them? If you are using POP mail instead of IMAP, you will need to check this, so the script won't re-download the mail the next time it fetches.

My other thought would be to make sure the osTicket database user has delete privlidges for the database.

Good thinking - I was pretty much stumped.

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